2014 Picnic
Merrill Park, Middlesex Turnpike, Woodbridge Township
Published: 05.21.2009 by: Ketan Patel
About Nar: Nar Village is located at 22°28' North latitude and 72°71' East longitude in the Petlad taluk of Anand District, Gujarat, India. It is located along the Western Railway’s Anand-Khambhat rail-line.
There are two folktales about the existence of Nar. According to the history about Jains, Navdhar, of Maurya Dynasty, established the town in Vikram Samvat 203, Chaitra Sud 2, Thursday. Another folktale indicates that original name of the town was Narangpur which was established by Narsingh in Samvat 802, ie thirteenth century. Mojority of the population of Nar consists of Patidars. Over hundred Patidar families follow Jainism since last five generations.
Merrill Park, Middlesex Turnpike, Woodbridge Township
Roosevelt Park, Route 1, Edison Township
Merrill Park, Middlesex Turnpike, Woodbridge Township
Roosevelt Park, Route 1, Edison Township
Roosevelt Park, Route 1, Edison Township
Roosevelt Park, Route 1, Edison Township
Merrill Park, Middlesex Turnpike, Woodbridge Township